




     這塊大陸,在1770年四月28日,四十一歲的英國皇家海軍上尉詹姆士.庫克(James Cook)雪梨(Sydney)灣登陸澳洲,首開英國文化到有原住民居住之處的先例.

   因為庫克船長登陸之處,觸目盡是奇花異草,於是就把它命名為植物灣(Botany Bay).聚集在灘頭的原住民不是舞動矛槍,就是相應不理,從此這一幕不斷地重演,西方人文明就此登場.英國的航海天才,把夢想化為真實,把歐洲印記蓋上去的地方,以風、海潮、礁石和鄉野奇譚為號召,因人的體能脆弱,澳洲才能隱匿了許久,使按圖索驥的人和許多後繼者徒勞而返.

     1787年五月,“第一艦隊”的11隻小船在船長亞瑟.菲力浦(Arthur Phillip)率領下,於朴茲茅斯(Portsmouth)啟航.1788年一月,一千名乘客,包括四分之三是犯人,抵達植物灣.殖民人士跌跌撞撞地展開了新生活,他們被拋棄在世界另一個角落,遠離了上帝、英國國王和祖國.




Fauna, flora and folks

     Australia is the smallest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent in the world. It is the only country which is also a whole continent. 18.6 million people live here.   


     Compared to the other great zoogeographic regions--Eurasia, Africa, Southeast Asia and the two Americas--the Australian zone is small and in large part arid and inhospitable. But this flat, drought-plagued land supports a magnificently rich and strange collection of wildlife. Many of its principal groups of plants and animals have evolved on their own, independent of trends in the world at large. Others have found sanctuary in which to vegetate and survive as relic types similar to forms which elsewhere on earth vanished millions of years ago.



     Some places have all the luck.  Australia conjures up instant images of friendly people, calm oceans, glorious sunsets and sweeping grassy plains covered with sheep.  You can visit the best that Down Under has to offer.

     The island worlds of Australia has always attracted explorers and adventurers.  Eden-like stretches of beach, cozy harbors, and landscapes that surpass the imagination with their other-worldly beauty.

     The Opera House, Harbor Bridge and Darling Harbor bring instant thoughts of Sydney and hosting the 2000 Olympics testifies to the city's dynamism.   Visit the colorful fully restored Rocks area, where Sydney's history began.   Three million people live in Melbourne, Victoria and their main means of city transportation are the colorful green trams.  Victoria is the smallest and prettiest of the mainland states and is known as the garden state.  See Sovereign Hill, and, visit the Fairy Penguin Parade at Phillip Island.  Enjoy this experience in the bush country outside of Canberra -- the capital city.




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